Multifunctional, multilingual, easy-to-read and stylish real estate website

We offer several multi-functional websites specifically designed for the real estate industry. They include filter search functions, video insertion, separate panel settings for management companies, CMS, viewing reservations, inquiry forms, property MAP display, search by criteria, multi-language support, and many other customization options. Due to the complexity of the functionality compared to other sites in the real estate industry, we strongly recommend that you hire a production company with expertise. Our staff has experience in the real estate industry and can provide you with a flexible, customizable website with operational considerations.

Customer Testimonials

Move to Japanさんを利用し、納品頂いたHPに大変満足しています。たデザインもモダンで、物件の表示が地図上で出来るように無し、お客様の物件探しが非常にスムーズに行えるようになりました。また、モバイル対応もバッチリで、お客様からの問い合わせも増えたのが、本当に御社に依頼してよかったと思っております。英語と中国語も追加で頂いたので、不動産探しをされる方に是非おすすめしたいサイトです。

都内不動産仲介会社 A様 不動産業界

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