I'd love to have a non-Japanese website, but...

Common problems with multilingual sites

Common problems with multilingualism

I'm interested in the multilingual site, but...

Not searched in local language

Automatic translation was attached to the existing website, but it was set to only translate within the website and not to Google hits in the local language (English or Chinese).

Translation is too expensive.

When we asked a web production company, we received an estimate of more than 1 million yen for making our website multilingual.

Difficult to manage other than Japanese

It is difficult to update blogs and news because we have to request translations each time we create them.

I don't want automatic translation.

Important messages such as catch copy are translated unnaturally.

If you have other problems like this, please contact us.

  • Those who are struggling to attract customers and increase sales
  • Those who need a multilingual website due to inbound demand
  • Real estate, hotels, manufacturers, contractors, and manufacturers.
  • Need a mobile-friendly website?
  • Those who want to create a website targeting overseas customers.
  • Those who have a low response rate to their current website and are considering renewal.
  • Those who are not satisfied with the current website functions (payments, reservations, filters)
  • Managers and HR people who are struggling with recruitment
  • Those seeking a website with strong SEO
  • Those who want a website that emphasizes functionality as well as design.

We can solve the above problems.

Entrust us with design, multilingual translation, and SEO

No need to separate website production and translation requests

  • Multilingualization of an existing site (without changing the design)
  • Renewal of design and multilingualization
  • New website creation
  • Foreigner's favorite design
  • Translation by native speakers
  • SEO
  • Multilingual reservation and payment system

Commitment to Multilingual HP

1. easy updating with high-performance translation

Are you spending time and money on translation?

Multilingualization of the websiteis essential for entering foreign markets and acquiring global customers. However,Outsource translation on a case-by-case basisThe time and cost involved in doing this is not only time-consuming, but there are also concerns about variations in quality.

So we recommend,High-performance translation tools: DeepLThe introduction of DeepL is,Highly accurate translation using AI technologyto generate natural sentences that look as if they were translated by a human.Support for more than 100 languagesand updates blogs, news articles, etc.automatic, machine translationand easy to use.Significantly reduces translation time and costsIt can be done.


2. reliable native checking

Natural looking homepage for native English speakers.

Have you ever had the experience that the automatic translation somehow translated into Japanese, but it was somehow subtle...?

We provide manual translation services by native speakersand native speakers of the language can see it.Easy-to-read and understand multilingual pagesThe new product will be transformed into a

From 5,000 yen per pageand industry standard rates.a quarterWe offer high quality translations at low prices of Of course,Only the pages you want to focus onrequests are also available.

3. partial modification with Translate Press

Optimal multilingualization with efficient processes

Automatic translation is not a problem, but I want to change only the important parts! The beauty of Translate Press is that we can reach such itchy parts.

You can easily translate only certain phrases, modify the translation, and make minor adjustments.
The easy updating of the system has been very well received, reducing the burden on operations when rework is done in-house.

4. multilingual SEO

Multilingual SEO, attracting customers from all over the world!

It would be a waste if you go to the trouble of creating a multilingual website, only to have it not be recognized by search engines and miss out on a great opportunity.

Multilingual SEOHa,Indicate to search engines the language of the page in a foreign languageThis is an important measure to attract customers from all over the world by

For example, when searching for "tokyo apartment," you can configure the search results to show pages in English and Chinese as well as Japanese.

However, automatic translation alone, without SEO measures, may not be recognized by search engines, rendering your multilingual pages useless.

We have a wealth of experience and achievements to offer the best multilingual SEO solution for your website.

Multilingual SEO

  • Title and description setting
  • H Tag Configuration
  • Alt Tag Settings
  • HTTP Header
  • URL slug
  • SSL-enabled
  • Multilingual Site Map
  • 404 page

5. borderless design

Japanese websites are difficult for foreigners to view!

Our goal is to make it easier for all to seeGlobal Standard Home PageThe following is a list of the most common problems with the
A global standard design is a website design that is designed to be easy to use for people around the world.

1. simple and easy-to-understand design

By reducing textual information and making extensive use of images and icons, the system can be operated intuitively.
The menus and buttons are clearly arranged so that even first-time visitors can easily operate them.
Japanese reservation sites and product purchases are designed to require a lot of clicking and typing, and many people leave the site halfway through, but a global standard design eliminates such stress.

2. visual navigation

Japanese websites are typically informative and have a text-centered layout, but global standard designs incorporate many visual elements to make information easier to organize and read.

Six features of our multilingualization

Searchable in multiple languages

We don't stop at just automatic translation! Many sites are only automatically translated and not searched in foreign languages. We also provide multilingual SEO and sitemap services to ensure that your website will be found in foreign languages as well.

Partial translation by native speakers

In addition to highly accurate DEEPL automatic translation, native speakers correct important parts. Natural and accurate translations are provided at a lower cost than translations from scratch. If the client has local staff, we provide a correction manual.

Many languages supported

Available in 132 languages. Information can be provided in the appropriate language for users in various countries and regions. Multiple language settings are also available.

short delivery time

If you have a current website, we can respond in as little as two days. We can respond quickly to urgent requests and realize multilingualization in a speedy manner.

low price

The cost of multilingualization is reasonable at 55,000 yen including tax. Effective multilingualization is possible while keeping the budget low.

Easy to update

New content for blogs and news is also automatically multilingualized without the need to request translations.

Flow of Use

(1) Free Consultation

Even if you are in the consideration stage, it is fine. If you have any questions or concerns about our services, please feel free to contact us via our contact form or LINE.

(2) Online meeting

An online meeting is held to review your requirements and project details. You can confirm the image design at this stage.
*Everything up to the estimate is free of charge.

Start of production

After payment and contract signing, production begins. We will report progress approximately every week to ensure that there are no mismatches from the start of production.

why choose us

value provided (by product, service, etc.)


Years Experience


Language support




Happy Users

Customer Testimonials

Since the design was displayed from the beginning, I thought there would be less mismatches after completion. I have had experiences with other companies, but was disappointed when the finished product was different from the image I had expected, but with this company, we can decide together on the template at the beginning, so there are no such mismatches. Compared to other companies, it is overwhelmingly inexpensive and stylish. They also seem to have a future operation support plan, which I have already requested, so I look forward to working with them again in the future.


Event-related (Aichi Prefecture)

Web site development Budget 200,000 yen

Even though we are an intermediary agency and the client's budget is limited, you made a proposal in the form of something that could be handled within the budget, and we were able to create a website that the client is very pleased with. The communication was very easy, and the corrections were made efficiently, so I was surprised at how quickly the website was created. I would like to ask them again for the renewal of our company's website.


NPO Organization (Hokkaido)

New website, budget 100,000 yen

Other vendors quoted 500,000 yen to add English and Chinese, so we were very pleased that we were able to add the desired functionality at a very low cost and in just 3 days. We are very satisfied with the service.


Men's Clinic(Tokyo)

Add translation function to current site Budget 55,000 yen

I was skeptical, but after seeing the finished product from the beginning, I decided to hire this company. We were very satisfied with the finished product and were able to save on costs, so we are very glad we chose this company.


Real Estate(Tokyo)

HP with filter function, budget 400,000 yen